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Refund Policy

Once an order is placed, it cannot be cancelled if the products have been sent.

Replacement if there is transit damage:

Transit damage is extremely unlikely to occur.

Replacement is only offered if the goods was delivered inadvertently damaged.

Opening Video is Must - Please record opening video of the Parcel and show the item clearly and if found damaged we will replace it immediately.

Pls reach out to our customer support within 48hrs of receipt of order.

If any items are damaged, we will replace them right away.

Replacements, if any, will only be made for products that have never been used and are in excellent box condition.

To be provided is the actual video of the product with the repackaged items. Depending on the size of the package, additional To and Fro shipping fees may apply.


Refunds, if any, once processed will be credited in 5-6 working days in the same payment mode. No Returns.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:

Contact Details: +91 6262787842